Nurse: Mrs. Hoffman
It is my goal to deliver the highest level of health care to all students to minimize time away from classroom instruction and to educate families with health and resource information so they can provide the best health care available to their family members.
The screening schedule mandated by the State of Texas and outlined in the Student Handbook is as follows:
6th grade – spine screen + height and weight
7th grade – vision / hearing / Texas Risk Assessment for Type 2 diabetes
8th grade – screened if requested
Other – all students new to SBISD are screened for all of the above.
Students who fail health screening will be given a referral notice. Referral forms are to be completed and signed by the physician and must be returned to the clinic so that the student health record can be updated.
If your child needs to take prescription or non prescription medication at school (including cough drops and lotions), the school nurse must be notified and the proper paperwork completed otherwise the parent will need to come to school to administer the medication. Student MAY NOT carry medication on their person - inhalers and epipens are exceptions once the paper work has been completed - signed by parent and physician.
To learn immunization requirements and download medication forms please FOLLOW THE LINK BELOW AND CHOOSE HEALTH SERVICES LINK LOCATED ON THE RIGHT SIDE:
Contagious conditions requires medical clearance in order for the student to be allowed in school if they are actively exhibiting the signs of illness.
Examples are pink eye, strep throat and skin rashes.
Fever guidelines: Children are not to come to school with a fever of 100.0F even if they have taken a fever-reducing medication at home in the morning. People are the most contagious to others when ill with fever. Children are to be fever-free for 24 hours without the need for fever reducing medication before returning to school.
Head Lice Can Happen To Anyone*
Lice cannot fly or jump but they can crawl and are spread through head-to-head contact. Should you discover head lice, there are several over the counter preparations that can be used but be sure and follow all package directions exactly. Your child should be instructed to never share combs, brushes, hats, scarves, etc. Tell the parents of friends and others who have had close contact with your child in order to keep the lice from spreading head to head. Children with live lice and/or many, many nits (eggs) in their hair will be excluded from school until treatment has begun.